Archive / Painting

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  1. Pat McGuire, Painting, circa. 1960
Item Details

Title: Painting

Artist: Pat McGuire

Date: [1960]

Format: Painting

Location: Museum of Anthropology, UBC

Fonds: MOA ID# 1202/5

Size: 23.00 × 30.50 cm

More Information: Head and shoulders of blue faced man wearing robe, against landscape. Courtesy UBC Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, Canada, 1202/5. Derek Tan photographer.

Further Research: Aboriginal Art in the Sixties
  1. 09. Figure
    Pat McGuire  (Sculpture)
  2. 10. George Clutesi presenting a display of First Nations Art
    George Clutesi (Photograph)
  3. 11. Cariboo Country: The Education of Phyllistine
    Philip Keatley (Film)
  4. 12. Moon Festival
    Michael de Courcy and Herb Gilbert (Photograph)
  5. 13. Haida Spirit
    Pat McGuire  (Painting)
  6. 14. Mungo Martin Lying in State
    Mungo Martin (Photograph)
  7. 15. Totem Poles and Long Houses at the University of British Columbia