A digital archive of artwork, ephemera and film.

“By making life more interesting for others, we may indirectly help to alleviate the human condition.” (N.E. Thing Co.)

About this Site
  • Richard Trueman, Carol in Front of Painting, 1967
  • Michael de Courcy, Box Work performance, 1970
  • Michael Morris, Untitled (London Series), 1966
  • The New Alchemy, artscanada, June 1968 (page 10)
  • Michael de Courcy, Heather McCallum performing at Intermedia nIght, 1968
  • Richard Trueman, Richard in front of montage, 1969
  • Documentation of Goddamatch, Intermedia Nights at Vancouver Art Gallery, 1968
  • Jack Dale, Filmmaker David Rimmer, with Elli Gomber, at the Trips Festival, 1966
  • Carole Itter, Alphabet, series of drawings, 1974-75
  • Ellen Neel, Tsonoqua Mash, 1960
  • Robert Smithson, Robert Smithson in Vancouver:A Fragment of a Greater Fragment, 2004
  • Carole Itter, Chicken Box #12, 1974
  • bill bissett, Vancouver Mainland Ice and Cold Storage, 1969
  • Bodo Pfeiffer, Untitled, n.d.
  • Carole Itter, from "Preview Series", c. 1961
  • bill bissett, whorship th trees that grow round th door, 1966
  • Gordon Payne, One, 1965
  • BC Indian Students, Vancouver Sun, April 5, 1968 (page 32)
  • Joan Balzar, Fusion, 1967-1968
  • bill bissett, Awake in the Red Desert (back cover), 1968
  • Al Neil in Buffalo Man Costume, 1972
  • Pat McGuire, Figure, 1969