Archive / Al Neil in Buffalo Man Costume

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  1. Al Neil in Buffalo Man Costume, 1972
Item Details

Title: Al Neil in Buffalo Man Costume

Artist: Al Neil

Date: 1972

Format: Photograph

Location: Collection of Al Neil and Carole Itter

More Information:  Collection of Al Neil and Carole Itter.

Further Research: Al Neil
  1. 09. Voices Breathing
    Richard Anstey, Al Neil, and Gregg Simpson (Audio)
  2. 10. Auld Lang Syne (excerpt)
    Richard Anstey, Al Neil, and Gregg Simpson (Audio)
  3. 11. Baby McLuhan (detail)
    Al Neil (Assemblage)
  4. 12. Standing Still Untitled Improvisation
    Richard Anstey, Al Neil, and Gregg Simpson (Audio)
  5. 13. Many Faces of Al
  6. 14. Blue Voodoo Glue
    Richard Anstey, Al Neil, and Gregg Simpson (Audio)
  7. 15. Solar
    Al Neil (Audio)