Archive / BC Indian Students, Vancouver Sun, April 5, 1968

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  1. BC Indian Students, Vancouver Sun, April 5, 1968 (page 32)
Item Details

Title: BC Indian Students, Vancouver Sun, April 5, 1968

Pictured: Robert Davidson

Date: April 5, 1968

Format: Photograph

Location: Pacific Newspaper Group Library

Publisher: Vancouver Sun, Vancouver

More Information: BC Indian Students, Robert Davidson, Joe Michael, Glen Newman, Ronald Ignace and Nadine Kelly were awarded $300 scholarships Thursday for academic work. Collection of the Pacific News Group Library.

Further Research: Aboriginal Art in the Sixties
  1. 09. Mungo Martin Lying in State
    Mungo Martin (Photograph)
  2. 10. Education Creating Leaders for Indians, Scholars Told, Vancouver Sun, January 31, 1969
    Robert Davidson (Ephemera)
  3. 11. City Feast - Documentation Room
    Michael de Courcy (Photograph)
  4. 12. "No Ow Now" from USCO Hubbub
    Alvin Balkind and Gerd Stern (Ephemera)
  5. 13. Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000
    Christos Dikeakos and Lucy Lippard (Ephemera)
  6. 14. Intermedia meeting at the Alcazar Pub
    Michael de Courcy (Photograph)
  7. 15. Indian Cultural Society Holds Vancouver Fete, Native Voice, April 1963