Archive / People of the Potlatch, Vancouver Art Gallery

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  1. People of the Potlatch, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1956
Item Details

Title: People of the Potlatch, Vancouver Art Gallery

Date: 1956

Format: Photograph [black and white print]

Location: Museum of Anthropology, UBC

Fonds: #2005.001.681, 1.733

Size: 20.10 × 24.90 cm

More Information: Display: “Household” (includes domestic objects) Collection of the Museum of Anthropology Archives, University of British Columbia, 2005.001.681 1.733.

Further Research: Aboriginal Art in the Sixties
  1. 09. Doris Shadbolt at the Vancouver Art Gallery
    Michael de Courcy, Doris Shadbolt, and Dennis Vance (Photograph)
  2. 10. Installing the Dome Show at the Vancouver Art Gallery
    Werner Aellen and Michael de Courcy (Photograph)
  3. 11. Dome Show meeting at Intermedia
    Judith Copithorne, Michael de Courcy, Maxine Gadd, Herb Gilbert, and Gordon Payne (Photograph)
  4. 12. Installing the Dome Show at the Vancouver Art Gallery
    Michael de Courcy (Photograph)
  5. 13. Moon Festival
    Michael de Courcy and Herb Gilbert (Photograph)
  6. 14. Vancouver Art Gallery security guards
    Michael de Courcy and Dennis Vance (Photograph)
  7. 15. Indians to Get New Home Grants, Vancouver Sun, May 16, 1967