Archive / Tsonoqua Mask

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  1. Ellen Neel, Tsonoqua Mash, 1960
Item Details

Title: Tsonoqua Mask

Artist: Ellen Neel

Date: 1960

Format: Sculpture

Location: Pegasus Gallery of Canadian Art (on-line)

Size: 16.50 × 25.40 × 8.90 cm

More Information: Carved wood mask.  Collection of the Pegasus Gallery, Vancouver, BC.

Further Research: Aboriginal Art in the Sixties
  1. 09. Ballerina Maria Tallchief with Ellen Neel and Totem Pole
    Ellen Neel (Photograph)
  2. 10. Indians to Get New Home Grants, Vancouver Sun, May 16, 1967
  3. 11. Lady Giant, Dzu-Nu-Gua
    Chief Henry Speck (Painting)
  4. 12. Dos-no-gwa - Lady Giant
    Chief Henry Speck (Drawing)
  5. 13. No Room at the Inn
    Chief Henry Speck (Painting)
  6. 14. Haida Spirit
    Pat McGuire  (Painting)
  7. 15. Screening the Films, Vancouver Sun, September 17, 1953
    Clyde Gilmour and David Neel (Ephemera)