Archive / BC Almanac: N.E. Thing Co. Ltd

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  1. N.E. Thing Co. Ltd (cover)
  2. N.E. Thing Co. Ltd (Back Cover)
  3. N.E. Thing Co. Ltd, Demonstration Forest, 1970
  1. Images:
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
Item Details

Title: BC Almanac: N.E. Thing Co. Ltd

Artist: N.E. Thing Co. Ltd

Artist: Ingrid Baxter

Artist: Iain Baxter&

Date: 1970

Format: Book

Location: Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, UBC

Fonds: Morris/Trasov, 98.5

Publisher: National Film Board of Canada, Vancouver

Size: 26.00 × 20.70 cm

More Information: N.E. Thing Co. Ltd, Demonstration Forest, 1970 Collection of the Morris/Trasov Archive, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, University of British Columbia, 98-5.

Further Research: Expanded Literary Practices
  1. 09. Theater in 7 Acts
    Michael de Courcy (Photograph)
  2. 10. "Though the Panama" from Hear Us O Lord From Heaven Thy Dwelling Place
    Malcolm Lowry (Book)
  3. 11. Participant at the Trips Festival
    Jack Dale (Photograph)
  4. 12. Instant Photo Information, BC Almanac
    Christos Dikeakos (Photograph)
  5. 13. Bilingual
    Audrey Capel Doray (Painting)
  6. 14. blewointment magazine
    bill bissett and Ian Wallace  (Periodical)
  7. 15. "No Ow Now" from USCO Hubbub
    Alvin Balkind and Gerd Stern (Ephemera)